Tuesday, November 6, 2012

my lecturer still fascinates me

she's totally crushable material according to me (and me only). That's why my taste is always doubted. Lol. Not many people like the things I like and the people I like.

Anywayz, this was after she totally polished up our 30% presentation last night. It made me feel like we won't get the A we wanted, but what she shared was totally relevant and totally displayed the amount of depth and wisdom that she have in her.

Why am I re- fascinated with her? I know she's really smart, but I know she's really maladjusted in some way too, perhaps still on the journey to that stage of self-actualization. She's not just intellectually intelligent, her passion in pursuing unconditional love and happiness in life is also very admirable. This mix of intelligence and vulnerability fascinates me; She thinks aloud in class, randomly saying things that actually need not be said, and fellow classmates would look at one another thinking: "What a weird person she is, why on earth is she saying what she is saying?" I am in awe of that mix of contradiction that I see in her. She's totally smart, authentic (maybe too authentic) and extremely humble.

At the end of the day, while walking to the car with my classmate, in silence, still thinking about what went on in class, she, a fellow believer, asked me, " Isn't it amazing how someone with a different faith can see  things with such similar perspectives as us? I know. (By now, we have confirmed that she's Baha). I told her that God has made everyone  in His image, and that He has made us to have a conscience, his heart and his character. Moreover, the Bahai faith came after Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and other main religons of Singapore. They could take the best of everything and mash it up to make it Bahai. Whatever it is, it's really the fruit that's produced that really gives value to the faith. Such a good reminder for me too: how much of the fruit of the Spirit do I possess? And how much fruit am I bearing?

And I took medical leave today. I didn't know how exhausted I was till I lay in bed last night. It was really impossible to wake at 6a.m. this morning. Time to see the doc. And start on the 60% assignment.

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