Saturday, December 31, 2011

An inspired moment in the plane

In the light of eternity, how I feel is inconsequential. I am created for a purpose and if I were to be feel negatively, it would slow down advancement. The only valid time I should feel negative is only when I grow stronger, more resilient and learn a lesson from it. And then move on. 

Always move forward, don't let any human pull me back. Don't waste time. Time is short. Don't waste energy. Energy is precious. Don't waste time giving attention to people who already has enough attention. Don't waste time chasing things that have no eternal value. Don't waste time talking about my problems and struggles unless there is a lesson that people can take away from it. 

Strive to have peace in the midst of turmoil. It's perspective that gives strength, strength to rise above every circumstance. Yet in the midst of moving forward, slow down only to attend to important things. Important things are not people seeking attention, important things are not dealing with drama, getting involved in negative matters, unless i have a part to play to resolve the matter; not determined by my desire and my perception of ability to solve the matter but to know with that snug assurance in my heart, that God has called me to be involved; that i am truly necessary in order for things to move forward.

A good friend supports. A good friend does not demand from me what I cannot give. A good friend understands my ministry. A good friend prays with me. A good friend is reliable. A good friend gives of himself/herself above his/her own needs. A good friend for me is one who is mature enough to understand, strong enough to take care of trivial matters and even stronger so he/she can work alongside with me in the ministry of serving God.

Just do my part. God will do the rest.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I love how independent and resilient both of us are, yet willing to be vulnerable to be open, bumming around feeling the freedom to make mistakes, yet mature and secure enough to learn from our mistakes to be better people.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

SATC - I likey!

You have to take the tradition and dress it your way" - Sex and the City 2

Just as I was reflecting on the previous entry about making our belief in who God is pivotal in my life. Carrie Bradshaw came up with this profound statement which spoke my heart that very instant. 

The tradition will and should stay so we remain close to who we are, beloved children of God in an intimate relationship with Him. That, perhaps, is a set of non-negotiables that we want to stick to. Then there is another set of negotiables that we are free to swim around, accepting that there are people with different values and different belief system.

I think that's when we get the freedom to live; when we are secure in our identity of who we are and with our values and beliefs in place so we won't get shaken by what may come.

More about worship

I believe there are certain songs meant for singing in church and there are certain songs meant for our own personal worship with God. I believe that there are certain songs more suited to be led for a small sized church and certain songs that are more appropriate for megachurches.

Wisdom, discernment and vision is needed.

Reflection from Sri Lanka 2

A strong foundation is so important. 

In the process of trying to be receptive to the way different ones believe; their ideas and beliefs of God and faith and of works, we don't know when we will stray away from our core. I guess  it is not a bad thing for our beliefs to evolve.. there is however, a danger of not going back to the core of what you used to believe in, that core that sets you in place, that belief that precipitated your relationship with God, that original form and depth of intimacy with Him. 

 It's so easy to move further away from God. That's how I determine whether it's healthy to evolve; the level of intimacy I feel with God.

Blog reflection from Sri Lanka: A worship leader

Worship leader needs to have spiritual authority over the congregation in order to lead them powerfully in the presence of God. 

Where does this empowerment come from? If one's dependence on God is just for the basic necessities or if one calls on God only when in need, the empowerment will be limited.

When one desires to bring glory to God, there will be the empowerment from the Holy Spirit to advance His kingdom.

It is all about being passionate about the things of God. Passion fuels the destiny that the Holy Spirit ignites.

Yet there is another group of people passionate about the things about God to the extent that they become self-righteous. That in another entry. Ciao for now!

Friday, December 16, 2011

assignment update

I think I am nearly done. If I concentrate for the next 3 hours, I should get the full version of my first draft out. Then I will print 2 copies. One for myself to edit, one for my god sent friend to edit and email another angel who offered to read it for me.

I am blessed.

I don't have to play for service!! Relieves me of so much stress because, I have more time today, I have more time on Christmas eve and more time on Christmas day and I will be able to enjoy service as it is!

I can't wait to do some planning for Sri Lanka. And of course catch up on bible reading for the last 3 days. Alamak. But the 365 day bible really helps to keep me on track. And of course, a fellow companion to read along is darn useful too!

Song sung e-ve-ry-day.

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me
1 pencil sharpener

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me
2 pairs of cute socks
and a pencil sharpener

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me
a set of 3 cute highlighters
2 pairs of cute socks
and a pencil sharpener

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me
4 packs of yummy candies
a set of 3 cute highlighters
2 pairs of cute socks
and a pencil sharpener

And I smiled opening the presents.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I shouldn't be writing

There are two types of writers.

One writes for their audience, their language is often beautifully crafted. The impact of their writing is equivalent to how much it impacts their audience based on the their personal experience/ current predicament.

Another type writes to release their heartfelt thoughts and emotions. There is more soul in this type writing. Readers get drawn to the souls of the writers.

in the midst of assignment-making

The only thing I detest about assignment-making is the sacrifices I have to make.

Less time to write
Less time to reflect
Less time to meet to chill
Less mental capacity to think
Less capacity in being attentive
Less capacity to translate thoughts and feelings into words

Less time to just be.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Who will miss me?

Yep. I was thinking about this question today. Who will miss me when I am gone?

I don't really spend a lot of quality time with friends one on one. Quality time in groups are mostly purposeful. Cell group meetings, follow up sessions, bridge sessions, occasional beer and chill sessions, gatherings..

Because most of my connection and attention to people goes to them online, if I were away (for work overseas etc), I won't be missed if I still keep in touch using the same mode. I don't know how I should or whether I should change this. Hmmm.. Food for thought during the Sri Lankan trip! I can't wait but I need to work very hard these next few days!

Weekend meditation

It is no wonder why people do not feel the need for God in their lives today. Our circumstances especially in our very developed Singapore leaves a small group of people who is as desperate as those people in the olden times. When will rain ever be so necessary for us? When will we be so hungry that we Need to pray for food? When will our lands be wiped dry and we suffer a famine, when will we need supernatural power to make green the wilderness pastures and fill the trees with fruits? When will we need to fight against armies of nations to keep alive. We are so very blessed. We can't take all these for granted. Gone are the petty pleasures once sought. It is time to seek the Lord.

Hosea 6:6-7

"I want you to show love, not offer sacrifices. I want you to know me more than I want burnt offerings."

Monday, December 5, 2011

I simply like the way I feel when I am with you

I like your kind of affection
I like your kind of affirmation
I like your kind of encouragment
I like how special you make me feel
even without all the treats and gifts

I like your kind of non-imposing
I like your kind of good manners
I like your kind of EQ
I like how diplomatic you are
even when you are not really paying attention

I like how perceptive you are
I like how intuitive you are
I like how spontaneous you are
I like how you can make me laugh
without even trying hard

you made your home in me

It started from a doubt
slowly building to a mustard seed faith
exploding into a gush of warmth
out of the heart into the soul
overwhelming the entire being

How beautiful this moment is
that I could be found in your presence
that this presence could comfort me
what would I give for this
to feel that love which envelopes me

That sob, that tear
that burning in the heart
of how just by being you
just by sitting at your feet
that all there was, soothed out gently

That miracle of waiting on you
that intangible power
the imagery of standing secure on my feet
the vision of soaring high
the reality of being lifted high

What a beautiful and glorious moment this is

Scarred problem-solver

Isn't listening to one repetitive problem better than several different new problems?

That question got me thinking why there was the "roll eyes" moment the moment the question was posed.

Listening attentively is exhausting. Listening empathetically is even more exhausting. Trying to help someone overcome their problem without a change in their situation week after week is energy zapping given that I am a preferred introvert. Then when I realized that they were merely airing their grievances and displeasure but not as keen to take active steps to change their situations, I kinda give up.

I wondered why I had swung to this extreme. Then I remembered what I had put my friends through with the similar situation I was in when I was with my second partner; bringing to them the same problem time and again yet not taking their advice to leave because I had not the strength to step out of the situation. I was not emotionally strong enough then. Perhaps that's why I have swung to this extreme; of trying to just let go, move on and not look back.

And I think the reason why I kept having to justify this- I guess there is still a modicum amount of guilt after from hearing what the latest ex had said about me after the break up.

Sure. There is relief when the past has passed but every past leaves scars.. Praying that I would finally totally move on soon.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A radical kind of allegiance

Bound to no one but Jesus.
Answerable to no one but Jesus.
Yet, there is..
that constant awareness
that constant reminder
that we are being looked at
that we are representatives,
of the faith we proclaim to be
Perhaps that is what it means;
to be in the world
but not of the world.

Friday, December 2, 2011


I truly enjoy this moment with God
At this moment, no one else will do
Plugged in
In communion with God
basking in lost moments with Him
There is truly no one like him
no one else I want to be with
at this moment in time.  