Monday, March 26, 2012

Lessons from the OT

Reading numbers currently, trying to catch up on my OT, reading about how when the God's chosen ones, the jews, were so discouraged and demoralized that they could not advance any further into the promised land that they decided to take things into their own hands. They wanted to appoint a new leader and head back to their pothole Egypt, where God had brought them out of. They even plotted to stone Joshua and Caleb, two of God's trusted men. 

My lesson from this story is this: this is what happens when people lose sight of the vision that God has given to them. They lose trust in God and feel that God does not know better, that God will not be taking care of them. Who would know better than God who's infinite in understanding and wisdom. 

All he asked us to do is to wait patiently, be rested in Him and pray. He will lead the way.

Friday, March 23, 2012

random thought in the midst of assignment

I am praying that my menses will come today. I am feeling lethargic, unfocused and at a monthly low. All I want to do is to go shopping right now. I was supposed to go test drive a very pretty-looking Copen but I don’t have the mood to do that.
This morning, at the hall while waiting for pledge taking, all I wanted to do is to read the papers. A teacher started talking to me and I had to respond. Then when the conversation was done, another teacher sat down beside me and another conversation started.

Teachers talk a lot. I always marvel at how teachers could continue talking even after teaching the entire day. I am wiped and just want to chill by myself and do my own work. Sometime last week I finally realised the reason why I am different.
My social life happens after work. At work, I just want to get my things done so I can have the day to do my other stuff. For many of my colleagues, their free time is at work. Once they are home, they gotto cook, wash, take care of their kids’, follow through with their kids’ homework etc etc. The workplace is hence their place of relaxation.

There! Got it figured out.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Up on the mountain 9

Thought: I want to see the cloud of glory.

Up on the mountain 8

Lyrics from Narrow Road: Let love shape us to your own design, to bear our Maker's sign.

Up on the mountain 7

I do not want to just know about God. I want God to work in my life. I do not want to share about what I know about God. I want to testify of God's power through his works and transformation in my life. But please be gentle Lord. I ask all these in Jesus Name, Amen.

Up on the mountain 6

Reminder: Do not poke your nose into others' business. It may cause you more grief. And for goodness sake, stop judging!

Up on the mountain 5

About Impermanence

Wherever we are placed are just transit centres. It is not important to please anyone. Just live in peace with everyone. Such a thin line to draw.

Up on the mountain 4

Question: What is our motivation in seeking God? In serving God?

Up on the mountain 3

Prayer: May the spirit of the Lord reign in our hearts

Up on the mountain 2

Did the word scapegoat exist before or after Leviticus?

Up on the mountain 1

In the bible, Jesus was born to be Saviour and Lord of the world, yet perfect as he was, he was opposed by many. 

In Psalms, David often lamented about his enemies. Sure, he's not perfect, but the number of songs he sang to the Lord about how he has been oppressed and attacked is many though he had not sinned against them nor offended them.

2 lessons/reminders: 
1) we just got to do what is right in God's sight. Ultimately, his view of us is more important than the views of humans. 
2) regardless of how we think we did someone no wrong nor offend them in some way, we can't help their perception of us and the way they behave towards us. It is advisable hence, not to be defensive as it may aggravate the situation.

However, I am hesitant to think that a fellow believer would be someone who would do another harm knowingly, or not. Praying for understanding and wisdom Lord.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Why it was better to end?

Because she didn't have the capacity to love me any more than she could.

And I was not able to be patient and wait any longer even after trying very hard to adjust my expectations.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Work, eat, exercise (physical, mental, spiritual & emotional)

Looking forward to a mountain experience on either Thursday morning or Friday morning. Pity I have something on every night.. If not, I will prolly do an overnighter at KL. The 5 hour journey by coach is my favouritest part of the trip. Lots of me time with God.

This weekend is just perfect. I didn't think about my work, my kids nor my assignment. I slept well, slept enough, ate good food, had good catch up and fellowship and exercised aplenty. I wish every weekend is as such. :)

definitely thankful for this weekend. And I am looking forward to the week to come. Not much of a holiday because I have to be back at work from Monday till Wednesday. Also, I Am tasked to set the SA1 English Paper. On top of that, I have a 80% assignment due in 3 and a half weeks.

Work, play, pray this week.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

God's timing

I believe very much in God's timing. And indeed as time passed, I realised why He said, "it's not time.".

Now I see why it's not time.

He is amazing. His wisdom never fails to astound me.


The 2nd ex and I had a decently long conversation on Sunday. It feels good. :). Looking forward to rebuild a friendship in due time. I hope her gf doesn't mind.

Up on the mountain

It’s time to literally go up the mountain to spend some extended quality time with the Lord once again. Next week will be a good time. Maybe I should take a coach ride up Malaysia just for the day.

The Mountain- Steven Curtis CHapman

I want to build a house up on this mountain
Way up high where the peaceful waters flow
To quench my thirsty soul
Up on the mountain


My faith is strengthened by all that I see
You make it easy for me to believe up on the mountain
Oh, up on the mountain

I would love to live up on this mountain
And keep the pain of living life so far away
But I know I can't stay
Up on the mountain


I said I'd go, Lord, wherever You lead
For where You are is where I most want to be
And I can tell we're headed for the valley
My faith is strengthened by all that I've seen
So Lord help me remember what You've shown me
Up on the mountain

You bring me up here on this mountain
For me to rest and learn and grow
I see the truth up on the mountain And I carry it to the world far below
So as I go down to the valley
Knowing that You will go with me
This is my prayer, Lord
Help me to remember what You've shown me
Up on the mountain
Up on the mountain

I cherish these times up on the mountain
But I can leave this place because I know
Someday You'll take me home to live forever
Up on the mountain