Sunday, June 28, 2009

I can so imagine sitting at the back porch of the Margaret River house eating cereal with you every morning for the rest of our lives (okay, we can have other stuff for brekkie too :))


I spent the weekend rather productively.

Finished a stack and a half of markings. Rounded up my lesson plans. Got ready for work in general. Prepared and practised for the 7 songs for P and P this Tuesday, played on the piano, clearing my cds and clothes into 2 luggages in preparation for the Flea Market next week. Cleaned up the r/s a bit too. A bit of a sad process but it's all good now. Milestones like that should only be remembered as good stuff.

My first time......

@ Long Bar


Signing up for a gym membership

taking real Yoga classes

wearing diapers on dogs

cooking for the SH

coming out to the Pastor's wife

eating @ The GastroBar, Indochine ACM (thanks to the SH), Timber @ Old School (thanks to the SH again)

celebrating monthiversaries

watching West Wing

not travelling out in June ever since I turned 21

the last last post of the holidays

I kinda miss Springdale. I was just thinking I would really like a place @ Springdale. The Multipurpose Hall is absolutely awesome. But I think it's more because I was able to make home with the SH for a short period of time. Thinking about that gives me a warm feeling. And I am missing those days.

I thank God for the Tuesday where we go on course and the kids stay at home to do their E learning.
I thank God that the management was the one who decided on the E learning homework so I need not upload any more homework.
I thank God that the following Monday is Youth Day so that leaves me officially 8 days of work these 2 weeks before I release my class to this trainee teacher that they put under me.

That does not mean that I have more time during curriculum time. I sit in 9 out of 10 lessons my trainee teachers conduct so I could help them ease into the system @ work more easily via the post observation communication and feedback. Most teachers I know think that I am placing a lot of stress on the trainee when I can actually have coffee when she is teaching my class. Usually, they sit in only when necessary, so they say. My workload would be reduced till 31st July though. She will be the one doing the marking for my kids. No marking for 3 weeks! Yay! Then I will teach for another week before the long long National Day weekend. Yay.

the last post of the holidays

I was reading through the previous entries and cringed at some sentence structures. I wished I could write better and writing comes so naturally to me that I do not need to spend anytime reading through my thoughts and editing the language. But that's prolly the reason why writing is not part of my profession (writing letters and model compositions with the students do not count)

The holidays have officially ended. I must say that this is the first time I did not use my passport at all during the month long school holidays since 1998- the year I started to travel independant of my parents. Still there were several first times that I experienced during this break. This First Time thing came from my P where she started last holidays by asking us to do something that we had never done before in our lives. She reminds me of the President of the United States in the drama series West Wing. A Great compassionate leader who would change the lives of so many under her.

My P got a Tiffany and Co pendant from her hubby for her 49th bday. I wished her happy belated bday at the end of the workshop and she gave me a hug. She's kinda sweet, and of course, it doesn't help decrease the guilt level that I feel about leaving service at the end of the year.

I did not take the buses that were chartered from school. She was giving out complimentary car park tickets but obviously, there weren't enough to go around. At first, she asked me why I drove since a few buses had been chartered to bring the teachers from CCK to Quality hotel Balestier. I couldn't answer her because I was stunned from the way she asked the question. SHe asked whether I stay at CCK thrice before I said yes. Then she took away the complimetary ticket she had put in my hands and told me I should have taken the bus. I was feeling a lil sore about that, but very soon later, she came by and slipped the ticket into my pocket and i managed a " I was going to send my friends off at the airport later". It was only when she apologised to the staff that there ain't enough complimentary car coupons to give away that I realised that I was special. She saved me a freaking $16 bucks. More importantly, I get this warm feeling when I think about what that meant.

Friday, June 26, 2009

early morning post

I saw photos of langkawi on my colleague's FB photo album. I wanted to ask her if she went to the bird park and the zoo. I so don't think I want to go to Langkawi looking at her photos. Decided not to be mean.

So I have decided not to go for the Tioman trip. SH asked me a question just now. She asked if I would go if she was going. I told her that I will probably go. Her going would up the incentive of going. Does that mean that she's the reason why I did not go? I don't think so. I respect that we were supposed to have this time apart (not intentionally) and I will give her the space that was originally hers even though I am in Singapoarae. I don't wish that she will grow tired of meeting me too often. Sigh. I do feel insecure about stuff like that from time to time.

The main reason why I decided not to go was because I could feel that my immune system is somewhat weak. Being on the brink of falling sick is going to be complicated when I come back from overseas. And I am not about to get myself into bad books and trouble when I can anticipate that. Already as it is, my P was unhappy about the Tioman trip ending a day before school starts, and that was before the H1N1 started. Plus... so much work. Darn. I really hope this is my last year teaching.

I bought a thermometer from 7-11 and have been checking my temperature since. Great game of badminton as usual. I shall attempt to book more courts before I sleep. Early day tomorrow!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


A friend was asking about my conversation with the Pastor's wife. She is dating someone who had not yet reconcile being gay and christian. She mentioned that her date seemed concerned that she has become more liberal in terms of certain issues.

It was that which brought back the thought I had a few months ago, more so in the recent months where I had to be honest with myself and question my integrity as a christian. I have always wanted to live by that belief that aside from the fact that I want to be together with a woman, I am still very much the same person I am. In fact, I should be better since I am able to be myself! To be true to myself and having to be real and authentic. But it was funny that I didn't feel then that I was getting better in terms of behaviour and my moral values.

On one hand, I grew much more spiritually in these two years after I came out to myself; I was experiencing a breakthrough in my walk with God, prolly facilitated by IDT, by the need to be more reliant on God on how to manage a group of very different people, by the need to be more dependant on God as the one who's really the only one who provides that supernatural wisdom, strength, comfort and support that I very much needed when I was struggling in my relationships then. On the other hand, I started doing things that I did not do before I came out to myself... I remembered twice puking because I was upset and had this warped idea that getting drunk will help me feel better (prolly from watching too much telly) and a few more occasions wanting to drink with the purpose of getting a high..,visiting pubs, the occasional visits to PLAY, the amount and frequency of alcoholic drinks, having a "looser" tongue than before.. and I seem to be knowing more friends who drink to get high, who smokes, who uses vulgarities more frequently than my other "mainstream" friends..

I have come to realise in the past 2 months that it is a phase that I went through and I am glad that that part of that life is phasing out. It was a phase of finding myself, coming to terms with my new self; it's as if there is a new ME and along with that brings a whole new world of options, people and procedures. It's as if I have to go through a process of integrating the new me into the core of myself. It was a period that I was trying to find out what works and what doesn't, that everything new and interesting doesn't mean it's good. And while I do not claim to have all the answers, I am appreciating the learning and growing that this process brings.

How do we remain sane yet relevant with these changes? It's really fixing our eyes on Jesus, the person who He is and what He is about and not compromise what we had not before. Just because a side of us is liberated doesn't make us any different from who we were before. And I guess it's really up to the individual how long they would take to go through that phase. But my advice would be to quickly sort oneself out and get back on track. Life is a process of figuring all these out anyhow, and i believe as long as we have a desire to honour God with our lives, that He will help us sort ourselves out eventually.

I see an image of a robot being upgraded; being dismantled, having old and irrelevant parts taken out, and set up again with new parts and along with that a new set of procedures and instructions on how to operate(just watched transformers with my bro yesterday!) which will take time to get used to. But the make and model of the robot will still be the same, just more efficient!

We do not need to compromise our values, our beliefs and the way in which we live. And most of all, no one is to be blamed for all of these. Maybe bad experiences didn't help the situations like how a bad mix of cocktails would cause a stomach upset. But yeah. quickly get back instead of falling into the spiral of hopelessness and think that it's wrong to be gay.

I guess God made this process that I went through as an opportunity for me to be able to walk ahead of others who might be struggling and hopefully, my sharing of my journey would help others with theirs.

reflections from dogsitting

I officially ended my dogsitting session yesterday. She's a hardcore smoker. I couldn't stop sneezing for the next 3 minutes after leaving her place though I was only talking to her for about 5 minutes or so. I was very tentative about giving her a goodbye hug but I did that anyhow. I think I am at risk of getting H1N1. She said the culture in Australia is to get the virus so that new antibodies will be formed against it just in case the virus mutated. Good for self but not everyone may agree that that's the best way.

There was a period of 4 days where I was deticking Nero for about an hour per day. By the end of the third day, all I had in mind for the next half of the day was the image of the ticks in different sizes. Sigh. I reckon 1 hour a day with God will keep His presence with me for an extended time and that will keep me more sane through the day. Takes me an experience like that to be convinced about that. Another example of translating head knowledge to the heart.

It's really great having my own space. The only down side is having to spend time packing up, cleaning up, doing chores etc. I tend not to like to spend my time doing that because I prefer to spend time doing something more substantial. Now I understand how housewives feel(those without maids). So poor thing.. and they are not just doing it for just a month, they are doing it for the rest of their lives.. I can imagine how distressed they would feel especially when they had been high achievers before they become full time housewives.

I like that place very much. It seems to have everything that would keep me home, at least for a while..comfortable furniture, the location, Tennis courts, Badminton court, Squash court, a nice big pool, a small gym, air con, good food around the area, and the SH. :)

It was a great time spent. Some people had asked if I was being paid for dogsitting. I think having the place is payment enough. :) Plus she gave me a pair of earrings she got from Australia and returned me the money for the pampers I got for Nero as well as the light bulb I got and fixed for her. I am contented.

brief ones

reasons not to go for the retreat:

-I am slightly flu-ey
-I am still not keen on taking the propellar plane
-I am still in the midst of calling my 39 pupils to inform them about the H1N1 update
-I still have half a stack of marking to go
-I have a questionaire to create and a proposal to write
-I have to prepare in detailed lesson plans for my trainee to observe my lessons
-I have a meeting up till 1p.m. tomorrow
-I have not packed
-I have got to be back at work on Monday and I am not ready
-I got to practise 7 songs for this tue's P and P.

Reasons to go for the retreat:

-great bonding time
-good to know the other people in church better
-it's a church retreat
-the sun and the sea

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I had been saying.. till today (Thursday)

Travel History – Call to Parent/Guardian (or student if parent/guardian is uncontactable)

Updates and Questions to ask Parent:
1. We thank you for submitting your Travel Declaration just before the school holidays. As the H1N1 situation is changing rapidly, we have just sent you a letter to update you on the situation and a Travel Declaration Form this morning. You should receive it very soon. Please assist me by answering the following questions. The information is important to help us safeguard your child’s health and that of all children in the school.

2. Did your child/ward travel out of Singapore during the June Holidays? (End phone call if answer is ‘no’. Remind parent/guardian to submit on the 1st day when school re-opens the child’s/ward’s updated Travel Declaration form which they will receive by post.)

3. Which country did you visit? (End phone call if country visited is not an affected area. Remind parent/guardian to submit on the 1st day when school re-opens the child’s/ward’s updated Travel Declaration form which they will receive by post.)

For those who have travelled to affected areas (Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States of America)

4. When did your child/ward arrive back in Singapore?
5. Is he/she well? (fever, sore throat, cough, headache etc…)
If the student has travelled to an affected area and is well, explain that he / she will be issued with a LOA for the next 7 days from the date of return to Singapore. During this period, he/she will stay at home, and the school will make arrangement for him/her to catch up on his/her school work. Form teacher will contact student daily to monitor his/her health. Remind parent/guardian to arrange for the Travel Declaration Form to be returned to the school, or bring it back after the LOA period.

Arrival Date ( Singapore ) Date to report to school
22 Jun ( Mon ) 30 Jun ( Tues )
23 Jun ( Tues ) 1 Jul ( Wed )
24 Jun ( Wed ) 2 Jul ( Thurs )
25 Jun ( Thurs ) 3 Jul ( Fri )
26 Jun ( Fri ) 6 Jul ( Mon )
27 Jun ( Sat ) 6 Jul ( Mon )
28 Jun ( Sun ) 6 Jul ( Mon )

4. When did your child/ward arrive back in Singapore?
5. Is he/she well? (fever, sore throat, cough, headache etc…)
If he/she is unwell, convey this message to parent/ward: “Please call 993 for medical assistance. Your child/ward should also stay at home until he/she is fully recovered. He/She should not go out e.g. shopping, out for meals, take the MRT or socialize with others until the doctor says that he/she is well.”

* If the parent/student has not received the Travel Declaration Form and the Communication Note by Friday, 26th June, 1200,
please call the school and we will make arrangements for the
parent to receive these documents.

* Form Teachers must update pupils’ health status daily till the expiry of LOA and fill up the template, “07 - Collated Class list for Travel History (2 worksheets)” accordingly.



1. How will LOA be implemented? How will teachers inform students who have travelled to affected countries beforehand they should not report to school?

Before school re-opens, schools will communicate with all parents via multiple channels to obtain the updated travel history of their children, inform them of the implementation of LOA, and update them on any new advisories given out by MOH. The multiple channels include phone calls, emails, postal letters and notices on school websites. Those who have travelled to affected countries will be issued an LOA before school reopens.

2. For students whose parents have been to affected countries, will an LOA be issued to the students?

Presently, these students will not be issued a LOA as the students did not travel to the affected countries. However, MOE will review our measures based on the latest situation, in consultation with MOH.

3. Besides LOA, what other measures are in place to protect the well-being of the student population?

When school re-opens on 29 June, schools will implement a number of precautionary measures. These include setting up stations at the school gates to screen staff and students who are entering the school premises. Those who are unwell will be advised to go home. In the first hour, students will be asked to submit their declaration forms to their teachers. Students who register a fever, or who have travelled to affected countries, will be immediately moved to another room. The school will inform the parents of unwell students to bring them to see a doctor and seek their cooperation to exercise social responsibility and ensure that their children are well before returning to school.

Schools will institute twice daily temperature taking, and closely monitor staff and students. In addition, school assemblies will be suspended and CCAs scaled down during the first week after school reopens in order to minimise congregation of school staff and students. Recess will also be staggered. Schools will continue to keep their premises clean and remind their staff and students to maintain high standards of personal hygiene. There will also be tighter school security. All visitors will also be screened for travel history and temperature taking before they enter school premises.

MOE has also developed a public education package to educate and remind all staff and students on the need to exercise good hygiene and social responsibility.

4. Why were parents not informed earlier that affected students would only be allowed to return to school after 7 days of returning to Singapore?

The global situation for Influenza A (H1N1) is dynamic. MOE has been monitoring the situation very closely. In recent weeks, Singapore has seen a sharp increase in the number of confirmed cases. As travel is the major source of new H1N1 cases, MOE has decided to implement a 7-day leave of absence for all school staff and students to slow the spread within the school community and in Singapore.


5. What are the learning provisions put in place for students who are on LOA? Will there be remedial lessons planned for them?

For students who are on LOA, schools will send the relevant learning materials covered in class to them as part of the home based learning package for as long as they are on LOA. In this way, they will be able to keep pace with their classmates and minimise the disruption to their learning when they return to schools.

Teachers will keep in touch with these students and provide help if necessary. As home-based learning will not be able to replicate face to face teaching and learning, schools will also provide make-up lessons where necessary.


6. What will happen to students who have to miss their Oral Examinations beginning 2 July 2009 in the event they are put on LOA?

As Oral exams are conducted over a 10-day period, the affected candidate can be re-scheduled to take the make-up oral exam.

As Listening Comprehension (LC) is conducted on only one day, candidates who are unable to sit for the LC (whether due to H1N1 or other reasons) would be given special consideration so that they would not be penalised due to their inability to take the examination because of valid reasons. (Note: such special consideration applies for all students who fall ill and is well-established.)


24 June 2009

Dear staff,


1. As part of measures to reduce the risk of Influenza A (H1N1) among staff and students when school reopens on 29 Jun, the Ministry of Education (MOE) will issue Leave of Absence (LOA) to all school staff and students returning from affected countries on and after 22 Jun for the next seven calendar days upon their arrival in Singapore. This will reduce the risk of H1N1 spreading within the school community and in Singapore when school reopens. While on LOA, staff will stay away from school and work from home as directed by their school. Similarly, all students returning from affected countries on or after 22 Jun will also be issued LOA.

2. In addition to LOA for affected student and staff, we will also implement other precautionary measures. The school will be directing all pupils to use the school’s main gate. All side gates will be closed from 29 June to 3 July 2009. This will allow us to set up stations at the main gate to screen students and staff when they come to school. Dismissal of pupils will be, however, via the main gate and the 2 side gates as per normal. When the situation improves, we will open the 2 side gates for students to enter the school.

3. Upon entering the school, we will advise those who have returned from an affected country on or after 22 Jun, but have somehow missed the earlier notification, that they are on LOA and should go home. Those who are unwell will also be asked to go home. We will also institute twice-daily temperature taking, and closely monitor our students. In addition, school assemblies will be suspended and CCAs scaled down during the first week after school reopens in order to minimise congregation of school staff and students. Recess will also be staggered. There will also be tighter school security. All visitors will be screened for travel history and temperature taking before they can enter our school.

4. The additional measures are part of the precautionary measures that our school has already implemented to prevent the spread of the virus among our staff and students. We will continue to maintain cleanliness of our school premises, remind staff and students of the importance of personal hygiene and monitor staff and students for signs that they may be unwell.

5. We seek your cooperation and understanding in the school’s efforts to implement these measures. Let us work together to keep our schools open, and safeguard the health of our staff and students.

6. Before the close of Term 2, you would have submitted your travel plans for the June holidays. However as the travel plans might have changed, all staff are required to re-submit the travel declaration form, attached together with this letter, when school re-opens. If you have travelled to any of the affected countries and returned on or after 22 Jun, you are to stay at home on LOA for the next 7 calendar days. (Note: Day of arrival from an affected area is considered as Day 0. You can only report back to work on Day 8.)

7. Please complete the form and email completed form to our CSO, Theresa at by 23 June, 2009, Wednesday, 1200.

8. The Influenza A (H1N1) affected countries are those considered by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as having community spread and/or are known to have exported cases. As of 23 Jun, these countries are Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom and United States of America. Please refer to the MOH website ( on Mon 29 Jun for updates.

9. Our staff and students’ safety is of utmost concern to us. MOE is in close consultation with MOH and will activate other appropriate measures should there be a need to. We will continue to keep you updated of new developments.

10. Please contact the school if you need any clarification. We will be happy to assist you.

Friday, June 19, 2009


I get a new set of muscle aches after every Yoga session. It has been a refreshing physical activity aside from badminton, tennis, swim and gym. All thanks to the SH.

I just receieved an email from Crest though.This lady who attend Wesley Methodist was an EX_PRACTIONER and TEACHER of Yoga and she's giving a talk on YOGA. That will be interesting. I can't find the time to attend that talk. So I am going to look for my best friend now.

google is my best friend

I had wanted to finish marking the set of scripts that I started on this morning. But these are the things that kept me distracted:

1) Cutting my nails
2) Deticking Nero (it is becoming an obsession)
3) Listening to C's music collection
4) Walking to the fridge, opening the fridge door and drinking a packet of milo
5) Surfing websites like,, (searching on ticks and why I can't squat)
6) catching up and chatting with people
7) Updating my secret blog
8) arranging movie dates with friends
9) think about what time I must get up tomorrow morning
10) Staring at an email I am supposed to give feedback on while praying to God for inspiration

10 is a whole number and so I shall stop at 10. See! So many important things to do other than work. I reckon since I have been waking up at 10ish every morning, I should maximise my nights when my SH is not around, stay up late and get more stuff done.

Someone from fridae added me as a friend and also asked for my msn address. Learnt from her that she is currently attending NCC. Another NCCer!

and now I am on the hmm.. what have I not given.. hee. When I am free, I will write my own site. It is quite amusing that under Gay and Lesbians romantic gifts, every gift on the website is related to sex. *rolls eyes* It is not ALL about sex ( I am speaking for the ladies)

Just like I told my pastor's wife It is not about the relationship but about God. I told her that being in a relationship is not as important as how I stand before God. I told her that it doesn't matter if I am in a relationship or not, that I will still feel the same way like I did and say the same things to her like I did (She commented that she doesn't know what pleasure I get out of being in the relationship). SHe is just so ignorant but i really thank the SH for praying and reminding me to speak gently and be sensitive. More later.

the week is coming to an end. I really appreciated the place I have here @ C's apartment. I do get a bit freakish when I am alone and lock myself up in the bedroom late at night. I even walked out of the bedroom just to bring my car key from the table at the living room so if anyone breaks into the apartment, I will still have my car.

When I am alone and the music is not playing, I have the silence to think and reflect on many many matters, one of which I will write about later.

Monday, June 15, 2009


friendships have been important to me since I was in Secondary School. The only reason why I seemed to distance myself from my friends in my first relationship was mostly because we were closeted, and of course, being in a relationship for the first time for the both of us brings about this exclusivity. It felt like only the two of us existed in our own world.

Over time, with age, experience and all that crap, I have learnt to take things slow in the department of love and continue to set aside time for others. Afterall, why rush things when we have a lifetime. More on that in another post. Maybe the only person who might be upset would be the SH, because I do give almost equal attention to friends and her though I place her in higher priority. Is equal attention and higher priority not the same thing? No, they are different. More in another post. But I thank God she has been ultra understanding; willing to meet new people though she may not feel like socialising. She's sweet. And mature. And I like that.

It's like my free time divided into 2 parts. 50% for the SH, and 50% for family and friends. That's not too bad right? For my first r/s with a woman, it was almost 80% with my ex and 20 % with family and friends. For the second r/s with a woman, it was 70% with my ex and 30% with family and friends.

There are however, certain friends who are difficult to keep. i tend to give up when I felt that I have tried to keep in touch repeatedly and there seems I am upset becuase I have little time and I am taking the effort to keep in touch. Of late, I have been following the spirit's leading when I run out of time. People that come to mind, or people who calls me to meet is all classified under divine appointments.

I have been disappointed quite a few times this past month by friends, including one or two I care a lot for. And I hope I had not disppointed any of my friends the same way I had been disappointed. I seldom need to ask people for help and prayer, and when I do, it's really urgent and it means a lot to me that my friends are concerned. I am touched by the concern shown by quite a few. THanks for the calls and all the encouragement.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

oh the so stressful meet up with my DG members.

So my DG members consist of:

1) PL: my DGL
2) SL: my ADGL and CG member
3) IR: my CG member
4) LL: my CG member whose husband is the ACGL to A, the CGL who spoke to me on the phone for 2 hours asking about my involvement with Sayoni and FCC and later arranging an appt with Pastor KK and V for me.
5) LLian: the full Campus Crusade Staff who has asked me pointedly a few times about the people I hang out with.
6) BB: the one working @ IMH who knows J and I attend PLUSH, a CG of FCC.
7) AI: the one who knows about my involvement @ FCC and PLUSH but is not very approving and fortunately on holiday to BKK.

We went a round to catch up on what happened in the 6 months after IDT. When it came to my turn, I had to explain why I am not attending the CG @ Covenant, which I did. I shared about my dogsitting. I shared about my involvement in PLUSH. Basically, I kinda told them everything except that FCC welcomes LGBTs and PLUSH is made up of LGBTs.

PL: Asked many questions about the composition of PLUSH, where the gals are from etc. She is genuinely concerned. I don't think she heard anything from anyone yet. If not, given her nature, she would have arranged a coffee session with me.

IR: Had a great time of praying with her. I almost always feel loved whenever we speak.

LL: gave me a sort of look when I first arrived almost like accusing me of something (prolly the lack of attendance @ CG, I even wondered if she knew about me) but I was relieved that she kinda seconded my POV that the dynamics @ CG is a lil strange which made me feel that time can be used better somewhere else.

LLian: I could see from the corner of my eye using my peripheral vision that she seemed to know about FCC. She asked where we meet for CG. She seems to have questions for me everytime I mention FCC.

BB: She confirmed that J attends the same CG as I do when I was sharing halfway. Other than that, she seemed fine.

SL: During the car ride, I was sharing with her about Yoga and asking her POV on it. We came to a common understanding to be alert since some may have spirituality injected into their sessions. The idea is not to let the mind be free. Pray during those times instead.

I caught up with her more during dinner after the DG meet up.. over wondeful Ba Chor Mee @ EAT @ Rail Mall. Yummy. My stomach is still growling thinking about it now. She shared with me about the dance ministry matters, I shared with her extensively about PLUSH and what we have done, are doing. I shared with her about progressive christianity and how FCC was started that way (hoping that she would google it and save me from questions). She said PLUSH seemed to be run the same way as BSF where the facilitator allows for all POVs without stating who is right or wrong. HOwever, BSF has a plenary session @ the end of it to round up the topic for that day, which is important. Having the conversation with her caused me to think more about PLUSH and the structure in which it is run and brought me back to the importance of ultimately having to base all POVs in reference to the word of God in the end. I have more to write about this but it's nearly 1a.m. and sleep is beckoning!. So ta for now!

quick updates

the SH has been on leave since Wed and we have been spending quality time together. This holiday is different from the rest in the way that I didn't travel out of the country aside from the retreat.

I see Week 1 of the break as a work week, having to go back to work all 5 days from 830a.m. to 4p.m.

Week 2 is a week of body maintenance. Getting 10 hours of sleep daily is good for the soul. And the eyebags, not mine. :). Also getting some exercise every other day; Yoga on Sunday, badminton on Tues, badminton on Thursday, Yoga and handball on Fri, and more tennis tomorrow. Taking the time to catch up on some work, meeting some gals up to catch up one on one, catching up with an old friend plus my goddaughter, being asked to be the godma to the new kid on the block, double dating over beehoon goreng, Ezer, follow up, and meeting up with my DG members. 24 hours 7 days a week is never enough. Spent quite a bit of time talking with God regarding many issues, preparing for facilitation next week, doing memory verses with the SH, reading up in prep for the "interview" next Wed.. and of course changing diapers and more diapers. 24 hours 7 days a week is so not enough.

I think this is the first time I do not miss Australia though I feel slightly envious hearing people who went/are going there. I am a reformed ex-aussiefreak! ha!

Monday, June 8, 2009

blogging from the airport

my body is so aching. I am certain it is from yoga. But it feels good. Glorious muscle aches. I didn't know yoga stretches the muscles from like everywhere.

I am at the airport now. Enjoy time like that, where my only distraction is the laptop. :) SPending some quality time reading. Finally finished with the book of Judges. What's next? hmm..

I am hungry. Shall go for tea now! Set A from Killiney's!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

wonderful sunday

it was good to be @ FCC to see familiar faces. The Charity Cafe food was yummy. It was good speaking with different ones.

COvenant service was insightful as usual. It was pretty ironical though that in last week's prayer @ FCC, the prayer was about having to cross the line, whichever stage of life we are at. Last week, I was touched that God spoke to me in that way, because I felt that coming out face to face to the church authorities was crossing that line for me at this stage in my life. I nearly teared, touched that God cares.

This week, PAstor KK spoke about NOT crossing the lines that God has drawn for us. His exact words. He was saying to fear GOd and His commands. Again, the lessons were similar to what I had been experiencing in the past few months. Whatever the problem, whoever had offended us, take it to God in prayer first, and more often than not, He gives us the peace to make us feel better. Because we are set apart, we do not deal with the situation or the person the same way they deal with us. We have a choice to not sin in our anger. Precious lessons. I am still learning that. It has been easier with time, but not as perfect as how Jesus would do that.

went for my first free yoga sesson @ Sky Fitness where the SH had been going for the past year. I am so sure my body will ache tomorrow. The pace was pretty fast for me but challenging. I enjoyed the session and since it was just $55 a month for a year to go for its classes and gym plus 3 SPA sessions, I am now a member of Sky Fitness. So atas. My first gym membership. So much for simplfying my life. :)

Had a great dinner treat @ Sushi Tei by the SH. And a good talk over a yummy alcohol free beer from Brotiez. THere ends my wonderful day (except for Nero stepping on his own shit when I went back to the apartment. Well, at least he's not eating his own shit.. ) I am putting him back on pampers. I decided that I can't toilet train him. Z is right. When C comes back, she prolly won't persist. Why waste time, right? I have better things to do with my time than clear shit and be distressed over how dirty his room is. Yucks.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

First Aid Rawks.

yesterday's staff wellness programme was one of the best ever. First Aid. I have done it 10 years ago but have forgotten most of what I have learnt. Yesterday, I was reminded on how to perform the CPR, how to do the Heimlech Maneuver, the chest thrust for morbidly obese people or pregnant women, how to do a large sling wrap and in what situations to use that, how to do the other sling wrap and in what situation to use that. I feel so ready to save someone now! hahaha..

the white spots on your face

the white spots on the face after exercise? Not a fungus infection. I found out from my best friend (google) on what they are and the treatment.

Definition of Pityriasis

Pityriasis is one of any of a number of skin diseases that have in common lesions that resemble dandruff-like scales without obvious signs of inflammation.

Types of pityriasis include: pityriasis alba (also called pityriasis streptogenes, pityriasis simplex, erythema streptogenes); pityriasis rosea; pityriasis rubra pilaris; and pityriasis versicolor (tinea versicolor).

Description of PityriasisPityriasis alba

This is characterized by hypopigmented, round to oval, scaling patches on the face, upper arms, neck, or shoulders. The patches vary in size, usually being a few centimeters in diameter. The color is white or light pink. The scales are fine and adherent.

Usually, the patches are sharply demarcated; the edges may be erythematous and slightly elevated. As a rule, pityriasis is asymptomatic. However, there may be mild pruritis. The disease occurs chiefly in children and teenagers.

The cause is unknown. Excessively dry skin following exposure to strong sunlight appears to be contributory. Efforts to find an infectious agent - either bacterial, viral, or fungal - have been unsuccessful.

Treatment of Pityriasis

Highly useful are 0.5% hydrocortisone and 1% crude coal tar in a cream base (Zetone cream), half-strength Pragmatar ointment, Lac-Hydrin, 2% Zetar in Cordran cream, or 1% Vioform cream. The prognosis is good and there is usually spontaneous healing within several months to a few years.

saturday afternoon

SH was watching a secular youtube message on a talk given by Daniel Goleman about philosophy, politics and duno wat. I was doing my stuff on my own lappie and allowed myself be distracted by the message. Messages about anything related to God never fails to catch my attention. In his message, he shared about the parable of the good samaritan. He suggested that even if we do not feel like helping someone, the action of helping somehow works hand in hand with the nervous system that causes us to feel for the person they are helping.

I brought this up because it draws a parallel to what I have told some people before. When I do something for someone I love, it causes me to love them more. I never could understand the way it all works and how what I do relates to what I feel, but today, I learnt that there is such a syndrome. It's like what my pastors always share? You can't hate someone you pray for.

yep.. all these after a good breakfast of prata, a rather HOT game of tennis, a good lunch @ Liquids Cafe (with really good pasta) and a lazy afternoon with the SH.


After I came out to A, we have grown a lot closer. For one, I don't feel that I have to hide what I do with my time anymore. I stop short of sharing details of the sweetheart and myself. I better give her more time to get used to the new old me. We spend quite a bit of time together and sometimes, I think she' s more gay than I am. She is quite fixated on breasts and the female form lor. And she will joke with my other colleague that she wouldn't mind experiencing something with a woman.

Anywayz, I often play the role of a listener when I am with her especially now that she is going through mid life crisis and the troubles the crisis brings. I hear about what she has to share regarding her life, her life with her husband (in all aspects), her life with her newfound friends, her life with her son, her life in relation to work, studies, church.. anything and everything else. Sometimes what she shares causes me to reflect, reflect on the future. She has been married for 15 years and she often shares about married life and the different stages of marriage. She shares about temptation and what keeps her from straying. She is in a way showing me it's possible to be in a long term relationship and stay faithful and loving. It's cool :)

Holidays are starting, finally! :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

God speaks repeatedly to get a message across

it was interesting how God speaks repeatedly to emphasise certain messages. He prolly knows I think it is not significant enough to keep it in my memory bank and do something about it..

Yesterday, I met up with SL. While we were sharing, something came to mind. But I can't remember now. Bleah. Next time.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Touched by God this morning

Printed out the memory verses that were supposed to be memorised and placed them in front of me at the office. As I was going through each and every one of them, I felt a sense of joy in my heart. God's word has that power to lift my spirit up. One thing I never fail to be awe of is the reality of His presence in His children's lives, if only they would allow Him to work the way He does.

GOd is good. He is awesome. I stand in awe of him.

"If Christianity were not true, we never would have invented it, so exacting its (His) demands." (which serves to also highlight grace)- My CGL